Shellena Eskeridge

Executive Director | She/Her/Hers

Shellena has spent all of her career fighting to prevent child abuse and neglect, strengthen families, and end youth homelessness. She brings immense experience working with nonprofits that provide direct, social and supportive services to low-and no income youth and families experiencing chronic poverty, homelessness, and significant mental health and substance use challenges. Shellena spent the last five years designing, developing, and implementing innovative programs for youth experiencing homelessness. She obtained a master’s degree in social work from Washington University in Saint Louis and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker holding clinical licenses in the state of Missouri and California. Shellena has worked as a clinician and clinical supervisor, providing therapy to children and families, and supervision for master level interns and associates.

Firas Nasr

Hello My name is Firas and I am awesome


Arpana Vidyarthi


Biniam Haile